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Connecting People &
The Outdoors

Let us help you find opportunities within the outdoor industry with our community and forums.

About CAN

The Camping Advisory Network is designed to connect participants in outdoor recreation and those involved in the outdoors industry with opportunities for growing their personal and professional networks. We engage with members across the outdoor industry and encourage those interested in outdoor advocacy to join as either a member or an expert today.

CAN, providing community access to members, promotes a far-reaching voice with a positive community impact on the outdoor industry with timely news, information, and opportunities.

More Than Social Media

Let’s face it. Social media is a time sink and doesn’t really feel all that genuine when it comes to connection, and in social media groups, getting up-to-date or relevant, non-confrontational information is a challenge.

With CAN, members have easy access to subject matter experts and have members-only access to curated groups with a sense of actual community.

Learn more about how we see the online community and all that it can provide you. See what to expect when you join today!

CAN Group Discussions

What CAN We Do

  • Get instant access to active community members who value community and connection
  • Connect with a network of industry experts to get opportunities, information, and news
  • Give your voice impact on camping and hospitality
  • Be a part of something that’s more than just a social media group
  • Enage with people, earn actual points, get real swag


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An outdoor network built for outdoor people.

Let’s build a better outdoor network.

What is CAN?

The Camping Advisory Network, or CAN, is an interactive community platform using conversational approaches – group discussions, online forums, and individual conversations – for connecting people with experts and other members, providing opportunities to learn and grow together.

What do I do on the network?

We encourage members to connect and be a part of the community conversation. Answer questions, engage with group members, and discuss topics that may be common knowledge but no one knows where to find it.

What is the benefit of joining CAN?

Participating members earn points, which they can redeem for swag or gift cards. Participating on the platform allows members to earn more points. The point breakdowns can be found on the points page, which only members can access. Members will find their point totals on their profile once registered.

How is CAN not a social media platform?

The Camping Advisory Network is not a social media platform because it is a forum-based community. Unlike social media platforms, member content is kept within the structure of CAN. While other social media platforms are misleading or flat-out secretive about how they use your information, our platform is completely transparent. CAN is a market research platform designed to gather topical and detailed information about industry topics that members provide within the community.